Why did I buy www.hugoromano.com? I already have Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Quora, flikr, SlideShare and all the other standard social media accounts, so why have something more to maintain? The most obvious reason is that, a domain is highly customizable and you can basically make it whatever you want. After thinking about it for a bit, I realized I had bought much more than online real estate, I just beat all the other Hugo Romanos in the world to it, so this purchase makes me the ultimate Hugo Romano on the web! I think this is a great investment :) I am now considering buying www.romano.com and leaving a legacy for my kids. Complete with a family tree it could work as a virtual time capsule. Maybe I can even bury treasure somewhere and write a program which releases an image with a map 100 years from now, only to be viewed by members of the family at that point in time. Interesting...